Counselling Room Hire Charges
Monthly Room Hire Charges For Regular Users
(charges include vat)
Use each week
Please note that the equivalent hourly rate over a year is shown in brackets
8.00am until 12.30pm
£90 (£4.61 per hour)
12.45pm until 4.45pm
£90 (£5.19 per hour)
5.00pm until 9.00pm
£90 (£5.19 per hour)
We are able to offer a discount to users hiring a room for more than three sessions a week.
Ad hoc room hire use
A room booked for a one-off appointment or on an occasional basis will be charged at the following rates:
Charge for each booking
Please note that the equivalent hourly rate shown in brackets
Hourly hire
£12 (£12 per hour)
Half daily (4 hours)
£40 (£10 per hour)
All day (9 hours)
£80 (£8.89 per hour)
Evening (3 hours)
£30 (£10 per hour)
Payment terms
For regular bookings payment is to be monthly by standing order.
For ad hoc bookings invoices are rendered at the end of each month with payment required within 14 days.
Termination or variation
One month's notice in writing will be required to terminate or vary the terms of any agreement.
Practitioners must have current insurance which covers their public and personal liability.