Julie Gilpin
Early experiences and past events can continue to influence how we live in the present–at times unhelpfully- in ways in which we are not always fully aware. We may have a sense of being stuck, and of repeating behaviours and relationships which hamper our development and progression.
Psychodynamic counselling can support you in gaining understanding and insight about yourself. This is done in the context of the counselling relationship, where confidentiality and a non-judgmental attitude help to bring into awareness difficult feelings which may previously have been kept at bay. Your issues can be thought and spoken about, in the presence of another, who can help to think with you and about you. This process can lead to you feeling freer and more able to bring about change in your life.
I am an experienced psychodynamic counsellor and have worked with people of all ages who have brought a wide variety of issues to counselling. I take the view that whatever your experience, it is unique to you and we will work together to explore its meaning for you.
Please contact me at: jgilpincounselling@gmail.com or by telephone 07400533160 and we can discuss a way forwards.